
Blood is not only red but Colourless.

Blood is not only a symptom of pain but a symptom of lonlieness.

Bleeding is not only caused when someone endures pain but endures love.

Bleeding is not only caused by betrayal but can be initiated by trust.

Blood is not only poured but retained, retained in a smile, in a laugh, in a hug, in love.

Bleeding is a cateract that slowly blinds one from seeing other peoples good intentions.

Blood doesnt only exit from the skin but exits fromt he tear in the eye.

Bleeding can either lead to an individual being joyful or bitter.

Bleeding can lead to a brighter hope and future.

Bleeding can lead one to encourage so people can be loving from the process of bleeding.

Bleeding can lead a man or woman to embrace people with even more love and compassion.

Bleeding can lead to us being contempt with who we are at this present moment.

Bleeding can leave a legacy where we look back and cheer in victory because off the trials bleeding has caused which you and I have overcome.

Let the process of bleeding make you loving not hating.


We compare ourselves to people who have more than us.

We compare the fact they they are excelling while we are hovering,.

Instead of rejoicing with those that excel, we let bitterness consume our heart.

You know,

It really says alot about you if you cant rejoice when someone is having a ball,

just because you are jealous of them achieving their dream.

My brothers and sisters, rejoice with those who rejoice,

and cry with those who cry.

Your life is your life and their life is theirs.

Its not worth it to compare yourself to anyone

because you are a unique individual, with your own ambitions and responsibilities,

So instead of comparing and bickering, start rejoicing and living the person YOU are meant to be.


When we were created by articulate hands.

We enter in the world we call love.

The funny thing about love is that.. 

The right person for our lives isn’t coming, they already have come.

They are already there just waiting to be found.

The human race is like a big jigsaw,

Every boy has a girl to fit perfectly in place, she just needs to be found.

Patience is the key.


If we were able to see the plans that god has for us, we wouldn’t worry about anything.

Therefore the very fact that we cant see all of his plans makes us worry about what is ahead.

I am in a place where I am doubting God in my head, but believing him in my heart.

My head is believing the fact, but my heart is believing the truth.

The fact is I cant see the answer to my prayer, but the truth is God has already answered my prayer.

Overall the key to overcome doubt is knowing what the truth is.

So when we get the inevitable moment of doubt that is based on the fact.

Encourage your self in the truth which will last forever.





As the clock ticks, as the clock speaks the time is fading.

As the snow falls the flakes are melting.

As the the seasons enter, the earth is fading.

As a baby is born, the skin will start decaying.

As the universe groans, the earth is waiting.

We have not got time, keep on reading.

Jesus loves you so much, he died on the cross, he was fading for you and me.

In the grave his body was decaying, he killed our sin in that tomb lying.

He has risen again, he loves you and he is coming soon. Just talk to him 🙂



I think I’ve found her
I want to believe
I’ve offered her my hands
I want her to receive
I’ve shown her my shoulder
I want her to lean
Hopefully this is it
Hopefully she is the answer to my prayer
Hopefully she will be swept of her feet into the adventure I want to share.



When you touch an individual, you can touch the world because remember the world is full of individuals.

You don’t have to be a doctor to heal, all you need to be is a friend that people can count on.

The touch of healing takes many forms and is not limited by distance.

You can touch that person with words, gestures and so many other ways that can only be explored by you.

Be that friend everyone count on and you can heal much more people that you can imagine.

This blog is not just a blog, not just resonating words, but it is a doctor for our hearts.

I don’t want you just to read this as a blog, but I want you to take it as your daily dose of medicine.

Remember to touch someone is not reliant on distance, but it is reliant on encouragement.


Forgiveness is one of the most imperative keys which opens the door of progression.

Forgiveness is the only medicine that can heal a heart.

There are times when you have experienced a tragedy, that seems impossible to be undone.

There are times when you have been hurt by someone and find it impossible to let that malice go.

Think of it like this, when you don’t forgive it is like drowning yourself to death in the water of the heart.

But there is always a lifeguard to save you from drowning, this lifeguard is called forgiveness.

Forgiveness can save you if you are drowning and can free your soul from the fangs of hatred.

The person that forgiveness frees is you and the healing it does to the offender is priceless.

So forgive and move on and you will see the freedom that liberates you from the chains of malice.